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Swepco 502 Engine Oil Improver - 12oz Bottle Code: SWEPCO-ENGOIL-502

Swepco 502 Engine Oil Improver - 12oz Bottle
Purchase Swepco 502 Engine Oil Improver - 12oz Bottle
  • SKU: SWEPCO-ENGOIL-502 Swepco 502 Engine Oil Improver - 12oz Bottle

  • $15.50

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Description & Purpose

SWEPCO 502 Premium Engine Oil Improver is a concentrated engine oil additive package designed to improve performance of ordinary crankcase lubricants. Simple to use, just add directly to the crankcase of any diesel, gasoline, propane or butane powered engine. The high performance additive package insures superior protection in all types of service - highway, off-road, city and stationary engine service. It improves performance of API CJ-4 for diesel service, API SN or earlier for gasoline service, in any engine in any type of service.

Benefits of Use

Enjoy these benefits with regular use of SWEPCO 502 Premium Engine Oil Improver in conventional engine oils:

Smoother, Quieter Operation - Better lubrication means a smoother, quieter running engine.
Reduces Operating Temperatures - Less friction and drag also means a cooler running engine.
Keeps Engines Cleaner - By lowering operating temperatures , it also reduces high temperature oxidation and thickening, sludging, gum and varnish that can rob performance.
TBN Booster Lengthens Oil Life - Additional chemistry increases the oil’s ability to neutralize corrosive by-products of high temperature combustion before they can attack engine surfaces. This means better protection and longer oil life.

Treatment Recommendations

Add to crankcase after engine has reached normal operating temperature. One 12 ounce bottle treats 5 quarts of oil. One gallon treats 10 gallons of oil.


Available in 5-gallon pails and cases of twenty 12-ounce bottles.

Sold Each. Your purchase gets you one 12 ounce bottle.